Thursday, April 25, 2019

The Funeral Outfit

I love wearing colors and prints.  They just make me happy and put a bit of bounce in my step.  So, imagine my surprise when I realized that my most worn winter outfit this year was solid black and gray.  I wore it so often that my husband starting commenting.  It got named the funeral outfit.  LOL.(FYI: I would not wear this to a funeral).  Anyway, I just love the style of this dress.  It is cute and comfortable yet still allows you to completely overeat at anytime.  Perfection in my book.

Pattern:  Blank Slate Rose Dress Pattern mashed with Deer and Doe Plantain Dress

The rose dress pattern is definitely on my top 3 most made patterns list!  I made a few dresses and shirts before I decided to mash it up with the plantain dress (free pattern).  I have square wide shoulders so the original pattern armscye was a bit tight.  I gave the pre-mashed garments to my very happy daughter because the pattern fits her perfectly with zero adjustments.  Then I replace the arm and sleeve pattern pieces with the plantain dress pattern pieces for myself.  It worked out perfectly.

I also used the interfacing pattern pieces for the front and back of the front yoke on the dress.  I saw this done in a blog post by  I loved the look of it!

This dress is amazingly comfortable to wear and sews up in a couple of hours.  The love affair is real with this one!

Fabric:  Jersey/sweater knit from JoAnn Fabrics

This is pretty cool fabric.  It is 90 % polyester and 10% wool.  I often struggle wearing that much polyester on my arms because they get super hot and itchy but this fabric is great on the skin.  It drapes like a dream and has a textured feel to it.  That 10% wool completely changed the game.  Sadly, there was only 1 1/2 yards left on the bolt.  I searched Joann's website for more but couldn't find any.  In the future, I will be keeping my eye out for this fiber content.

Bottom Line:

Based on the amount of rose dresses/shirts in my closet and my daughters, this pattern is a winner in my book.  I love it even more since I mashed it up with the plantain dress.

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